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October 8, 2021

Well, by performing a home energy audit, you've taken the first step toward energy efficiency. This is the first step toward a more energy-efficient home and lower monthly utility costs. Your energy auditor should have offered you an energy improvement package tailored to your home's needs after your thorough evaluation. The amount of information in one bundle can be daunting, which is where many homeowners get stuck. It may recommend additional insulation in walls or around pipes, HVAC equipment updates, or even solar electricity, depending on your home. There's a lot to consider: where should you start?Which upgrades will have the greatest impact on your energy consumption? Follow these steps to make your home energy assessment work for you if you're not sure what to do afterward.

Step 1 - is to do an energy audit of your home

The good news is that you've already finished the first step! With the energy-efficient LED light bulbs, smart power strips, and water-saving measures that were delivered to you at no cost during your assessment, you'll be able to start saving energy right now. Now it's time to move on to step 2!
What to Do After Your Home Energy Assessment

Step 2: Seal it Up

Some of the most common sources of energy loss in Massachusetts houses are air leaks and improper insulation. Seal up your home before you do anything else. Even if your appliances aren't top-of-the-line, this will help you save energy right away. Furthermore, you don't want your new appliances to have to work any harder than they have to in a home where energy is lost through the walls.
Air sealing - While air sealing isn't done during your energy assessment, it is included in the assessment, therefore Energy Monster may do it for you at no cost! Sealing small cracks and leaks around your windows, doors, and wherever else they may appear is part of this process.
Duct Sealing - This service is also provided free of charge following your energy evaluation! Your energy professional will seal any ducting leaks, ensuring that you don't lose air that you've paid to heat or cool.
Insulation - While most Massachusetts homes understand the importance of insulation, we've discovered that many don't appreciate how critical it is. Make upgrading your insulation a top priority if your energy package suggests it. You'll notice a large improvement in your energy usage straight away, as well as a big difference in your home's comfort level.

Step 3: Heating and Air Conditioning

Heating and cooling account for the majority of your energy expenditures, thus having an energy efficient HVAC system pays off (literally). If your system is old or inefficient in any way, it is costing you a lot of money on a monthly basis. It may or may not be the correct time to replace your system right now, but when it is, make sure you choose an energy-efficient one that is appropriate for your home.
Consider a ductless mini split system if you don't have enough space for a typical HVAC unit or simply need to control the temperature of a few troublesome rooms. These systems are simple to set up and operate using a remote or smartphone. They are a less intrusive and less expensive alternative to typical HVAC units.

Step 4: Make a list of your top priorities.

Every house is unique. Your home energy improvement package will be unique from your neighbours', so now is the time to determine your top priorities. Have you been recommended window and door replacements, new appliances, or maybe a solar panel consultation by your technician? Take some time to thoroughly examine your package and ask yourself a few key questions:

What will have the most influence on my energy consumption? What can I do now that I don't have any money?
Increasing the energy efficiency of your home is a multi-step procedure. While it is possible to make various improvements to your house in a matter of months, it is more probable that you will do so over the course of several years. Rather than replacing all of your appliances at once, you're more likely to wait until they break down before upgrading to Energy Star models. The most important thing is to understand your priorities and make the necessary modifications. This will not only save you money on your energy bills, but it will also lessen your environmental effect.

Step 5: Finance

The perceived cost of energy efficient renovations sometimes paralyses homeowners. While some of these modifications have a large upfront cost, Mass Energy Experts offers rebates and incentives to help offset the expense of upgrading. Your Energy Monster technician should have given you a list of incentives for which you are eligible. When you work with Mass Energy Experts to renovate your home, we can assist you in applying for these rebates and incentives so you may make improvements without breaking the bank. You'll save money on the work it takes to become more efficient, and the modifications you make will help you save money on your energy costs!

Bonus: Assist Your Pals (and Yourself)

We believe you'll be so pleased with your energy savings that you'll want to brag about it — and we hope you do! When you suggest your friends and neighbours for a home energy assessment and to learn more about our Refer-a-Friend program, you are helping them save money and energy.


You've received your energy-saving bundle and determined which items are the most important to you. You've already taken the first step toward making your home more energy efficient; now it's time to take the second! Get in touch with Mass Energy Experts right away. We'll be glad to assist you with your energy requirements.